Assessing the broomball season so far

Assessing the broomball season so far

With one regular season game to play we sit in second position, but with these days tight standings we could still go as low as fifth as well.

With a record of 6 wins, 2 losses and 1 overtime loss we are well within our broomball season's expectations. Maybe even a bit above what we were hoping for. But as we all know, regular season means little in both hockey and broomball, so there is still ways to go.

Thanks to our dominant first line, goal scoring machine Martin and ageless-allrounder Daniel in between our number one center Matthias, some nifty work of our second line, and last but not least our d-core and goalie, we might have a word to say about the outcome of this years broomball Golden League Italy season.

Starting mid-january 2019 we are already locked in to play in the pick round, the round robin phase of the championship's five best teams. After that, we are keeping our fingers crossed for a lengthy playoff run. Barring injuries of course, we might be able to do some damage this year.

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